Diamond Jubilee Challenge

Singapore will be celebrating 60 years of nationhood in 2025.

Since its inception in 1910, the Singapore Scout Association has been at the forefront of youth development. To strengthen the message of the importance of a non-formal, value-based educational youth programme, Singapore Scouts will be embarking on a four-year project starting in 2022 known as the Diamond Jubilee Challenge. The Diamond Jubilee Challenge will culminate in the celebration of Singapore’s Diamond Jubilee in 2025.

The Diamond Jubilee Challenge is a youth-led and adult-supported initiative where our Scouts will embark on meaningful learning journeys and community engagement activities. These specially curated experiences aim to help our Scouts learn more about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, discover their place in the community as well as what it means to be a Singaporean and at the same time, contribute to Creating A Better World.

The challenge is our movement's answer to SDG education and also a platform to promote active citizenship. The Singapore Scout Association is proud to be one of four National Scout Organisations in the Asia Pacific Region to put forth a national strategy for SDG education. We are also happy that we can contribute to the World Organisation of the Scout Movement's Scouts For SDGs efforts.

We hope that you would support our Scouts in their journey by making a donation to the Singapore Scout Association Diamond Jubilee Challenge. A significant portion of the fund raised will go to the Scout Group and the association to allow purposeful development of Scouts during the four year project.

2022: Diversity and Inclusion

Q1: Know your Singapore

This challenge aims to reinforce racial harmony present in the society and encourage racial acceptance.

Q2: Widen your Beliefs

This challenge aims to encourage scouts to go beyond their own beliefs and learn about other spiritual beliefs to widen their perspective of the world.

Q3: Helping our Community

This challenge aims to give scouts the opportunity to engage their community or help other segments of the society.

Q4: Show & Tell

This challenge encourages scouts to summarise and reflect on the challenges and various forms of diversity present in Singapore.

2023: Environment

Q1: Be Aware

This challenge allows youths to be self-aware of their choices and the impacts of their actions on the ecosystem.

E.g., Participate in Earth Hour.

Q2: Working in Teams

This challenge helps youths come together to implement practical solutions towards improvement of environmental health.

E.g., Identify, research, discuss, and plan a team project that helps to solve a sustainability issue such as disappearing coastlines.

Q3: Will to Act

This challenge focuses on the actions taken and becoming environmental advocates.

E.g., Execute the planned team project to help solve a sustainability issue such as mangrove replanting.

Q4: Showing Empathy

This challenge promotes the sharing of the youths’ achievement through exhibitions etc.

E.g., National exhibition event showcasing youths’ achievement at each of the 4 Areas.

2024: Skills for Life

Q1: Leading with Purpose

This challenge aims to provide youth with opportunities to develop their individual leadership style.

E.g. Each scout to plan and lead a patrol activity.

Q2: Perspective-taking

This challenge should allow youth to explore conflict management or communication techniques.

E.g. Participate in a communication workshop


Each Scout should undertake a project/activity that challenges their knowledge and understanding in their preferred domain.

E.g. Undertake a project in their preferred domain.

Q4: Entrepreneurship

A nationwide fundraising challenge for Scout units, to promote an entrepreneurial spirit.

E.g. Each unit to conduct fundraising project as part of a national challenge.

2025: Civics & Citizenship

Q1: Sea Town

This challenge encourages our youths to explore his/her identity as a Singapore citizen and to answer the questions:
1.Who has the full rights and obligations of a citizen?
2.What does being a Singapore citizen mean to me?

E.g., Organizing and participating in a trip to visit Parliament on a Sitting Day.

Q2: Singapore is not an Island

This challenge encourages our youths to explore the reason of Singapore’s existence as a nation and to answer the questions:
1.In what communities ought we see ourselves as citizens?
2.Which public institution enables these communities?

E.g., Volunteer at a local MP’s Meet-the-People session.

Q3: Good Deed a Day

This challenge encourages our youths to explore the duties of a Singapore citizen and to answer the questions:
1.What responsibilities does a citizen of each kind of community have?
2.What is the kind of people and society we want or ought to be.

E.g., Build an improvement for the local community.

Q4: Creating a Better World

The final challenge encourages our youths to share their thoughts, reflections, and journey with other participants of the programme to become agents of positive change who inspire others to take action.

Final activity: Singapore Jamboree 2025